Retail Merchandiser Volume 63, Issue 4 | Page 14

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Min Yang , US Market
Growth Lead at Alibaba . com shares her insights into the e-commerce sector
Firstly , it would be great to get to know you a bit better . Could you tell me about your career history , and how you got involved in the world of e-commerce and Alibaba ? I have been with Alibaba . com for almost three years , working in multiple roles . I started leading business development and partnerships before transitioning to work with customers directly leading the customer success operation . In this new role , I have the privilege of learning from our customers by listening to their success stories and understanding how they overcome challenges .
Before joining Alibaba . com , I spent most of my career in the e-commerce ecosystem , helping merchants and businesses grow their e-commerce sales on other platforms . At the time , a lot of clients came to me asking about Alibaba and the Chinese consumer market , especially live-stream shopping . I had always wanted to learn more about e-commerce in China , so when the opportunity with Alibaba . com came , I took it .
The same interest drove me into the e-commerce space over ten years ago while I was working for a B2B distributor after graduate school . I was amazed by the potential of the industry and was grateful to have an opportunity to break into the space . Being a part of the team to launch new B2B categories in the space confirmed my passion , and I have now been in e-commerce for the past 13 years , observing and fostering growth and innovation every day .