Retail Merchandiser Volume 63, Issue 3 Volume 63, Issue 3 | Page 15

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pricing
measures simply can ’ t provide enough of a cushion to make a lasting difference .
On the other hand , prioritizing pricing provides retailers with both an immediate and long-term solution that doesn ’ t jeopardize future growth . Implementing the right price changes , based on accurate and up-to-date cost data , is the best way for businesses to maximize profits and minimize margin leakage .
Pricing in practice
Across the retail and consumer goods industry , we ’ re seeing a varied approach to pricing in response to current market challenges and high levels of margin erosion . Certainly , from the point of view of the consumer , it feels as though , from food to fashion , prices are being marked up everywhere to cope with rising costs . At the same time , we ’ re also seeing
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